Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I Hate(d) Blogs

A few years ago a couple of friends of mine who were making a radical, life-changing move to Denver announced to a carload of us that they were planning on journaling in a "blog" for their trip. When asked what I thought about blogs, like a good friend, I proffered the opinion that I didn't like blogs because they seems to be too often an exercise in self-centeredness (my actual poorly chosen words were "That's pretty arrogant, isn't it?"). In my mind, I couldn't fathom what type of people would really be interested in reading about my deepest thoughts. What wisdom could I possibly share? Even worse, I pictured myself sitting anxiously in front of my computer screen waiting to see if anyone commented on my posts. A blog seemed like a lot of effort and emotional risk with very little potential reward and I didn't really want any of that in my life at the time. I also figured if I wanted someone's input on my most intimate thoughts, I would get married.

So last Summer, I did. And through this amazing joining with Stephanie, I've come to learn that the part of me that wants to keep everything under wraps needs to loosen up some. It's not arrogant to share one's life with others. On the contrary, it's beautiful and I've found it absolutely necessary for my joy and survival.

Now I'm not entirely convinced that the blog, as a medium, is going to bring us all together tenderly holding our mice and singing kumbayah in the soft glow of our computer screens. But maybe it could provide a way for me to peel back one more layer of the stuff that makes me feel (or want to be) separated from everyone else.

That is certainly worth the effort.


Anonymous said...

For efing sake...is it too difficult to log-in so we know who is talking? The entire point of the literary concept of voice is lost. I was either confused or worried by the first post...confused because it was posted by Stephanie but described two different things as "sweet" in one breath, clearly Tim's voice; either that or I was worried that he has gotten to her. Now Stepanie's post talks about when she married herself. The madness. Tim put yer pants on and take credit for your words.
Hope that makes you feel less seperated. Walk good.

Maria said...

I'm already singing kumbaya. And apparently I'm blogstalking you by commenting twice in one day. It's a SLOW day here in Denver.

I absolutely do not remember having this conversation (and I could totally be full of myself thinking I was part of it) but I do know that for me blogging has been an great way to say what I'm thinking as well as an excersize in sitting with my thoughts and really finding what it is I want to say. I hope that this blog can do the same for you. An added bonus is that it's a convenient way to say everything at one time and not have to send a bunch of emails or calls to tell your story.

sheralee said...

As the other friend with whom you had that blog conversation, I'll be honest and tell you that I never followed through on the idea. I did send a few email updates after the Denver move, but am just not into blogs ...

well ...

unless they are fictional blogs about my secret fantasy life as a West Michigan housewife.

Anonymous said...

Heh heh heh. Oops.

My apologies for the stale cookie issue. To clarify, I Hate(d) Blogs is mine, Confession and Sexy Legs are truly Stephanie's. Thank you for the gentle rebuke, Statler. I assure you I will be wearing pants for the remainder of my posts.

Thanks for reading...

Gert said...

Glad you guys can pull it off. It takes great courage and vision to take the monsters of consumerism and corporate responsibility (oxymoron?) head on.

In the spirit of your new venture, banish hate from your vocabulary. You're on a new journey and a blog and technology is not always bad. It is the new hammer in our 21st century toolbox. It is up to us as individuals to use it responsibly and not abuse the power of such a powerful tool.
