Friday, July 18, 2008

one last thing: on showers

I forgot to mention something that is worthy to note. We haven't been showering much on this trip, as all who've seen us can confirm. It's such a delicacy now to be sitting at Sheralee's table with a bathroom in sight, where a shower with great water pressure can be had at any time of the day.

Aside from the hairiness that not showering often can cause, I have to mention one of our extremely unglamorous situations. One desperate day in Oregon I wanted a shower - the real deal. Not the showers in a bag (8" by 8" cloths that report to give you that refreshed showered feeling without delivering). My dear sweet husband Tim, the real live MacGyver, has a great system where he rigs up our water bag and we take turns holding it for each other. (We nicknamed him Jimmy, which confuses people at water stations when we ask each other if we've filled up Jimmy or not.) Anyway. There were no spots to be had in the day use park we were in except for the handicapped portajohn.

So. We took a shower in a vault toilet.

Let this be a testament to my grit and cheapskatery.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your pictures and updates are great therapy for me. You didn't mention what you two were arguing over though. You know me -the proverbial nose bag. I hate to think all is not "bliss". Bozobyker wants to know "what soap works best with bag showers- dove or lava soap?" Much love from us units!